Khue Nguyen’23 (Psychology and Chemistry)
Hi, I’m Khue, but my friends call me Katie. 我学的是心理学和化学双学位,我希望成为一名心理健康专家. 我在这里结交的朋友帮助我成长为今天的我. 我迫不及待地想把我学到的一切带回越南给我的家人. 我喜欢罗伯茨对社会科学和自然科学的鼓励. 我的田径队友是我的支持系统,我重视成为比我自己更伟大的事物的一部分.”
美高梅mgm平台是一群学者致力于服务和精神的形成在基督为中心的大学锚定在文科. 在这里,学生们可以在解决难题的同时感到安全. We're a foundation for your career. We're the catalyst for your next job. Even more than all of that, we're your next home. 不管是4年,2年,还是16个月,美高梅mgm平台都是你的家人. Welcome to Roberts Wesleyan University!
Hi, I’m Khue, but my friends call me Katie. 我学的是心理学和化学双学位,我希望成为一名心理健康专家. 我在这里结交的朋友帮助我成长为今天的我. 我迫不及待地想把我学到的一切带回越南给我的家人. 我喜欢罗伯茨对社会科学和自然科学的鼓励. 我的田径队友是我的支持系统,我重视成为比我自己更伟大的事物的一部分.”
“感谢我的研究生学位,我终于可以追逐我的梦想,成为一名教师. My education at Roberts has been absolutely phenomenal. 作为一个“改变职业的人”,他离开了十多年的零售领导岗位, 追逐我对教育的热情是我多年来的梦想. 如果没有罗伯茨大学教授们的支持和丰富的知识,我不可能做到这一点.”
我是麦肯齐,我从来没有像现在这样对我在罗伯茨的学术和体育感到兴奋. 我不会拿它换世界,我很感激能成为保龄球队的一员. 在这样一个紧密团结的团队里工作正是我在大学里想要的. 我喜欢罗伯茨社区知道我的名字,我不只是一个数字. As a student in Education, 我喜欢和和我有同样激情的人在一起, like teaching and having a positive impact on children. 我已经学会了如何为我未来的职业生涯制定课程计划!
“Over the past four years, 我能够与我的同龄人和教授培养有意义的关系,这深深地影响了我对学习和成为医生助理的热情.”
“I am here to serve the Lord. 罗伯茨帮助我认识耶稣,以及如何成为一个更好的事工! 我加入了敬拜团队,现在我在社区里指导年轻人. Being a student here has strengthened my faith in Christ.”
“我喜欢罗伯茨大学本科课程的一点是,它的课程非常实用. 几乎每节课都给了我实践所学概念的实践经验. (在我的课堂上),我一直依靠我在罗伯茨学到的东西. 我喜欢这个项目是完全在线的,到目前为止我很喜欢它.”
Established by Benjamin T. Roberts & opened in 1869
The school was renamed A.M. Chesbrough Seminary
Named in honor of B.T. Roberts and currently the home of Northeastern Seminary.
Named in honor of businessman Edward Cox. 在考克斯大厅举行的第一场公开活动是B.T. Roberts in February 1893.
Served as President of Roberts & Seminary from 1921-1930
is gifted by the class of 1926
Served as President of Roberts & Seminary from 1933-1957
Named in honor of Adella P. Carpenter. A four story, 36,000平方英尺的建筑建于1935年,并在各个方面进行了更新, now with geothermal energy system
The school was renamed Roberts Junior College
Named in honor of Anna & Duran DeBarr (Uncle Buck), Dir. 1971-1992年担任校园服务、书店和大学巴士司机.
Named in honor of Donald Mohnkern, Registrar 1960-1992.
Named in honor of Jean & Dave Morrow, Dir. Of Admissions & Dean of Students 1967-1982
Named in honor of William Sittig, Chairman of Board of Trustees, and Ruth McIntyre Sittig, professor 1949-1983
Named in honor of Bob & Mary Hastings, friends of the college.
Named in honor of Harry F. Anderson, professor and beloved coach, 1933-1976
Named in honor of Stanley R. Magill, professor 1947-1985.
Named in honor of John D. O'Brien, faculty 1931-1969
Named in honor of Howard E. 科拉·厄普代克,文学教授,1934-1969年教务长
现在的房子建于1965年,时任总统埃尔伍德(伍迪) & Beth Voller.
Named in honor of Lillian & J. Eslie Beeson, professor 1926-1967
Named in honor Burdette N. Miner, Chairman of Board of Trustees 1930's.
Named in honor of President George W. Garlock. 艾伦·斯托·罗伯茨餐厅,以B·罗伯茨的妻子命名.T. Roberts is located within the commons.
Named in honor of President Merlin G. Smith
Served as President of Roberts & Seminary from 1981-2002
Named in honor of Ellwood A. Voller, President 1957-1968
Honorary Alumus
United States Ambassador to Singapore
Master's level programs introduced, starting with Med
Named in honor of Howard S. Roberts, great-grandson of B.T. & Ellen Roberts; decorated naval officer.
Named in honor of Jean & Paul L. Adams, President 1974-1981
Named in honor of Florence & 奥尔顿·戴利,23届校友,业务经理,受托人,和赞助人
Named in honor of David & Leighan Roberts Rinker, B.T. & Ellen Stowe Roberts; both trustees of the college.
Named in honor of Donald & Maxine Davison, benefactors and friends.
Served as President of Roberts & Seminary from 2002-2014
Named in honor of local businessman, entrepreneur, & friend of the college.
Olympic Silver Medalist Winner
Olympic Gold Medalist Winner
Dedicated to Dr. Bill & Rilla Crothers
Roberts becomes full member of NCAA Division II
Named in honor of President Bill & Rilla Crothers.
Doctorate level programs introduced, starting with PsyD
Doctorate level programs continued to grow with OTD
The modern 26,167-square-foot, two-story center is a hub for connection, 社区互动与校园学生生活资源.
总统就职典礼于2023年9月22日,目前担任罗伯茨的第12任总统 & Seminary.
美高梅mgm平台(Roberts Wesleyan University)和东北神学院(Northeastern Seminary)获得纽约州评议委员会的批准,将于6月30日正式合并, 2024.